A lot of people are curious about what Service Agreements or Annual Maintenance Agreements are. Many HVAC companies, including us, offer these agreements as an easy way to keep your system up and running, but what exactly are they? The usual adage is “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” right? While this may be the case for a lot of things in life, you definitely don’t want to wait until it’s 110° out to make sure your air conditioner is working.
What are HVAC Service Agreements?
Simply put, heating and air conditioning service contracts are an agreement between you and your provider that guarantees annual services for your system for a fee. Different companies will offer different services depending on the cost and scope of the agreement. At Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning, our annual maintenance agreement includes precision tune-ups for your primary system, a full professional cleaning, and safety inspection. Before you sign a service agreement, be sure to have a conversation with your technician on the scope and cost of your agreement.
Are Annual Maintenance Agreements Really Worth It?
Annual servicing of your heating and cooling system can save you a lot of headaches and money down the road. While manufacturer warranties go a long way to help out with expensive major repairs, routine servicing is often a stipulation and can often prevent a breakdown before it starts. Your car is a great example of this. Routinely changing your oil and tires can have a tremendous impact on the life of your engine and fuel efficiency, so too does routine HVAC maintenance.
What Do I Look For in a Service Agreement?
First step is first, make sure it’s coming from a company you trust. It’s all well and good to do routine maintenance but you want to ensure it’s being done by a skilled, reliable company or it defeats the purpose of maintenance in the first place! Be sure to look over the contract as well. What are the terms, cost, and so on? Annual service agreements are a great way to maintain peace of mind and comfort year ‘round. If you have any questions or would like to consider an annual service agreement with Doug’s Heating & Air, feel free to give us a call at 309-764-2500.