Air Conditioning

air conditioningAir Conditioning

Keeping Cool with Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning

When the summer heat hits, there’s nothing more essential than a reliable air conditioning system to keep your home comfortable. At Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we understand the importance of a cool, refreshing home environment, and we’re dedicated to providing top-notch air conditioning repair services to ensure you stay comfortable all season long. Why Choose Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning? Expertise and Experience With years of experience in the HVAC industry, our team of certified technicians possesses the knowledge …
ductless mini-splitAir Conditioning

The Benefits of Installing a Ductless Mini-Split HVAC System

At Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we strive to provide our customers with the latest and most efficient HVAC solutions. One of the most innovative advancements in the field of heating and air conditioning is the ductless mini-split HVAC system. These systems are designed to provide quiet, efficient heating and cooling to any space using modern heat pump technology. What is a Ductless Mini-Split System? A ductless mini-split system is a compact and efficient HVAC solution that doesn’t require the …
Air Conditioning

Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning Spring Maintenance

Spring is the perfect time to ensure your air conditioning system is prepared to handle the warm months ahead. At Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we understand the importance of regular maintenance to keep your AC running smoothly and efficiently. Here are several reasons why scheduling a spring maintenance visit with us is essential for your home’s comfort and your peace of mind. 1. Maintain Peak Efficiency Regular maintenance helps your air conditioning system operate at its best. Our comprehensive …
high humidityAir Conditioning

How Can I Make My Home Less Humid?

Excess humidity can make your home feel uncomfortable and create an environment conducive to mold growth and other moisture-related issues. If you find yourself wondering, “How can I reduce humidity in my home?” you’re in the right place. Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning will explore effective strategies to combat high humidity levels. From improving insulation and reducing infiltration to investing in appropriately sized equipment and advanced technologies, we’ll guide you toward a drier and more comfortable living space. Enhance Insulation …
maintenanceAir Conditioning

The Importance of HVAC Maintenance Plans with Doug’s Heating & Air

As a homeowner, it’s essential to invest in the maintenance of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Your HVAC system plays a vital role in keeping your home comfortable and healthy for you and your family. Neglecting regular maintenance can cause your system to become inefficient, unreliable, and even hazardous. At Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we highly recommend homeowners consider an HVAC maintenance plan. An HVAC maintenance plan is a service agreement between you and an HVAC …
thermostatAir Conditioning

Why is my thermostat blank?

A blank thermostat may not be a catastrophic problem, but it can be very frustrating. And if not addressed quickly, it can lead to more costly issues. Listed below are some common reasons why your thermostat screen is blank. Power surge or tripped breaker If you return home from work and discover your thermostat screen is blank, a power surge may have occurred. In most cases, the thermostat just needs to be rebooted, however, the process to reset the thermostat …
Air Conditioning

York Mini-Split System

The YORK Mini-Split system is a highly-efficient with a flexible heating and cooling system that doesn’t require any duct work. Keep reading to find out if YORK mini-splits could be right for you. According to The U.S. Department of Energy, one of the main advantages of mini-splits are their flexibility for heating and cooling individual rooms. If you have certain rooms you use a lot more than others, this gives you the flexibility to heat and cool those rooms without …
Air Conditioning

The Mitsubishi Mini-Split. Is it the Right Solution for Your Home?

If you have never heard of a mini-split, you are not alone. No, the mini-split isn’t some kind of ice cream dish like the banana split, it’s a heating and cooling system installed in homes and business without ducts.  One of our favorite products is the Mitsubishi mini-split. As Mitsubishi states, these systems, “provide superior comfort, lower energy costs, zero emissions, and ultra-quiet heating and air conditioning in any climate.” The systems have been gaining in popularity for many years, …
Air Conditioning

Stay Healthy and Comfortable this Summer with an Aprilaire Dehumidifier

In the Quad Cities, it can be in the 50s one day and in the 90s just a couple of days later. The effect is jarring, and a good reminder every season comes with its own heating and cooling needs to keep us safe and comfortable. While temperatures in the 90s are unusual for May, it is a reminder summer will be here before we know it, along with prolonged stretches of warmer weather and sometimes severe heatwaves.  Air conditioning …
Air Conditioning

Key Terms and General Information for HVAC

  We all have to start somewhere when gaining knowledge on a complex subject; we have all been there before. There is no need to stress about sounding like you know what you are talking about in the heating and air conditioning world, use this blog as your guide. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)  has the goal of creating a comfortable and acceptable indoor air quality.    ACH  Air Changes Per Hour is a measure of the air volume …
Air Conditioning

How long does an Air Conditioning unit last?

The answer depends on several factors, and our team will be more than happy to provide customized estimates for your individual situation. Generally speaking, the average life span of an AC unit is 20 years if maintained properly. We recommend scheduling a precision tune-up, professional cleaning and safety inspection once a year. Regular maintenance will extend the ACs lifespan, and it will also reduce pollutants, reduce the risk of potentially dangerous malfunctions and maintain performance (see Doug’s Annual Maintenance Agreement …