Month Archives: September 2019

Air Conditioning

How Precision Air Conditioners Work

Sed iaculis leo id nisi laoreet, in elem tum velit fringilla. Phasellus at justo quis orci scelerisque dictum. Sed pharetra nibh vel cursus pellentesque. Morbi odio odio, hendrerit eu sagittis id, malesuada commodo mi. Nullam aliquet elit non dui convallis, ut tincidunt elit lobortis. Curabitur eu tincidunt dui. Suspendisse vestibulum mauris at elit vulputate iaculis. Nam mauris enim, fringilla sed dui sit amet, ultricies blandit tellus. Nulla faucibus elit at eros pellentesque, ornare semper nibh egestas. Vestibulum tristique nunc in …
Air Conditioning

What do you need to know about the Freon Phase out?

If you are using an AC unit made prior to 2010, then you are likely using a R22 refrigerant (a.k.a. freon), which will be discontinued by 2020 per the EPA’s ruling. Any AC unit made after 2010 shouldn’t be using R22 refrigerant, so this blog is only for those of you who have a model made before 2010. For those homes this ruling affects, here’s what you need to know. This is not a ban on the use or sale …