Month Archives: June 2021


What size power generator do I need for my house?

Power outages due to storms, flooding, cold and heat are now more and more common in the United States. So, it is no surprise many people, especially in the Midwest, are starting to recognize emergency power generators are a necessity rather than a luxury item. “Our generators power sump pumps during flooding events, power medical equipment for sick family members and power refrigerators in the event of power loss,” according to Daniel (Dan) Sondej who has been working on air …
Air Quality

What are the most common indoor air pollutants?

Itchy eyes, stuffy nose, sore throat; these are things we expect to happen because of allergies when we’re outside. However, when you start to feel this way when you’re inside the comfort of your own home, it is time to figure out what is happening. Your body will thank you later! Turns out, you might have more than pollen particles floating around your home to blame for your allergies and other health issues. Here are some of the most common …