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Energy Efficiency

cleaning hvacAir Quality

Can I increase the efficiency  and longevity of my HVAC system with regular maintenance?

When it comes to the efficiency of your home’s HVAC system, having it on a regular maintenance plan is key. This includes having it cleaned and inspected regularly, and changing the filters often. If you want to avoid the problems that can arise from a dirty HVAC system, then you need to make sure that it is maintained. Keeping your system clean A build-up of dust and dirt inside the HVAC system can cause it to work harder than necessary, …
Air Conditioning

York Mini-Split System

The YORK Mini-Split system is a highly-efficient with a flexible heating and cooling system that doesn’t require any duct work. Keep reading to find out if YORK mini-splits could be right for you. According to The U.S. Department of Energy, one of the main advantages of mini-splits are their flexibility for heating and cooling individual rooms. If you have certain rooms you use a lot more than others, this gives you the flexibility to heat and cool those rooms without …
Air Conditioning

The Mitsubishi Mini-Split. Is it the Right Solution for Your Home?

If you have never heard of a mini-split, you are not alone. No, the mini-split isn’t some kind of ice cream dish like the banana split, it’s a heating and cooling system installed in homes and business without ducts.  One of our favorite products is the Mitsubishi mini-split. As Mitsubishi states, these systems, “provide superior comfort, lower energy costs, zero emissions, and ultra-quiet heating and air conditioning in any climate.” The systems have been gaining in popularity for many years, …
Energy Efficiency

What temperature is too cold for a house?

Many people in the Quad Cities have had minor (and major) freak-outs upon looking at our heating bills this winter, particularly those who use natural gas, which is most people in this area. As KWQC warned in October, later verified by the Quad City Times, and the final proof in those heating bills that triggered a lot of freak-outs, natural gas prices have nearly doubled since the previous winter. So many of you may be wondering, what temperature is too …
Air Conditioning

Programmable Thermostats (Opportunities and Limitations)

Programmable thermostats are known to help create a comfortable in-door environment while saving money. The trick is to come up with an efficient pre-set schedule during the day. Depending on your daily routines (and thermostat model), you may choose six or even more temperature settings per day. There are digital, electromechanical and mixed system available. We recommend the digital one for tech-savvy individuals who appreciate a variety of setting. The electromechanical thermostat offers fewer features, but it is easier to …
Energy Efficiency

Myth Busters: Heating Edition II

Heating your home efficiently can be tricky which is why we addressed four heating myths back in February. Now it is time to address myths #5 through #8!     Myth #5: Space Heaters Are an Effective Alternative to Your Furnace   Solely relying on space heaters can become costly during the wintertime, because they are less efficient than a gas furnace. They are even less affordable than a wood-heated fire in most cases. This does not mean there is …
Energy Efficiency

Myth Busters: Heating Edition

Even though we all heat our homes during the winter, there is still a fair amount of misleading information about how to keep your family cozy in the most efficient way. Let’s bust a couple of these heating myths! Myth #1: Floors and walls are always cold during the winter This may be true in some cases, but floors and walls should generally remain moderately warm. If they aren’t, we recommend checking for leaks around windows, doors and ductwork. There …
Energy Efficiency

It’s cold! Time to shut off unused heating vents?

Here’s something we all agree on:  Closing or blocking heating vents in unused rooms saves energy, because you’re not wasting it on a room that you’re not occupying, and the air gets redirected to the rest of the house, which makes it easier to heat your house and lowers your bill.  Except for one thing:  It isn’t true. A 2003 study by a long-time government scientist who studies ventilation issues is often cited to bust this myth.  Its conclusions?  “The …
Air Conditioning

What do you need to know about the Freon Phase out?

If you are using an AC unit made prior to 2010, then you are likely using a R22 refrigerant (a.k.a. freon), which will be discontinued by 2020 per the EPA’s ruling. Any AC unit made after 2010 shouldn’t be using R22 refrigerant, so this blog is only for those of you who have a model made before 2010. For those homes this ruling affects, here’s what you need to know. This is not a ban on the use or sale …
Air Conditioning

4 Simple Ways to Maximize Your AC Unit’s Efficiency

It’s getting hot out there! Most of use have already reached for the thermostat to try and stave off the heat and humidity, but the idea of expensive energy bills doesn’t look too attractive. Poor air flow caused by dirty condensers and old filters can make your AC Unit (and wallet) work harder. Keep Those Filters Clean Changing your air filter in your forced air system is one of the simplest and most overlooked ways to boost your efficiency and …
Energy Efficiency

Consider These Five Things Before Investing in Geothermal

Whether you’re looking to go green or trying to save on your energy bills, many people are looking for alternatives to control the temperature in their home. Geothermal is one such option that leverages an abundant supply of renewable energy and growing technological support in its favor. However, the initial cost can be quite high which requires homeowners to consider their long term savings and energy goals before installation. We’ve pulled together a few things you should consider before taking …
Energy Efficiency

Energy Saving Tips

June has finally arrived and unfortunately, so have its hot temperatures. With the weather around 90 degrees, it’s hard to avoid inevitably high energy bills. Here are a couple tips on how to save energy while still enjoying a cool, refreshing house. Don’t over react to the heat After being in the sun all day, a cool, air-conditioned room is a relief.  But, don’t fall in to the common mistake of cranking your thermostat down to cool your house faster. …