Negative Impacts of Dry Winter Air on Your Family and Home

There are several ways to prepare for the fall and winter cold. This is definitely the time to schedule an annual check on your heating system.  Those of you with older units may want to consider replacing your current unit to gain efficiency. Others can do an energy audit to determine the best way forward.

While you are checking your furnace, also take a look at the insulation in your home. Efficient insulation keeps your home warmer for a longer period, reduces the strain on your furnace, and lowers your energy bill.

Spray foam insulation has distinct benefits over traditional methods:

  1. Spray Foam Insulation is Waterproof

Fiberglass and Cellulose insulation do not keep moisture away from your home. They may even soak up water, which can eventually contribute to mold. Spray Foam Insulation is like a lofty, yet strong wall that prevents water from getting through to your frame and walls.  This feature is especially relevant for your basement.

  1. Spray Foam Insulation is Easy to Install

You can find plenty of videos of professionals applying spray foam insulation on YouTube. Some even show competitions. In any case, it is the insulation of choice when you want to see quick results.

  1. Spray Foam Insulation is Versatile

You can combine spray foam insulation with other kinds of insulation. Its ability to seal and insulate spaces of any form and size makes it a highly versatile technique. This matters if you already have insulation in place. Instead of completely replacing what you already have installed, you may be able to use spray foam’s properties to complement your existing structure. This strategy may lower costs and at the same time eliminate waste.

Curious? Read more about Insulation Services and don’t hesitate to call 309-373-0505 to request a quote from our friends at Quad City Insulators.