Protecting your home and business from airborne contaminants and particles has never been more relevant. The increased demand for air purifiers and air cleaners is certainly a positive development, but we recommend going through a quick air audit first. This audit consists of our team reviewing your furnace and air conditioning to get a better idea about your current equipment and needs. Based on this assessment, we determine the best options to improve the air quality the most cost-effective way:
Indoor Air Purifiers
Our iWave Indoor Air Purifier reduce viruses, mold, smoke and odors. This purification process especially benefits individuals suffering from asthma, allergies, and respiratory infections. Enjoy a 3-year warranty without having to maintain or clean the device.

Air Scrubber
Air Scrubbers reduce contaminants you introduce to your home every time you open the door. Germs and bacteria attached to your clothes or hands are likely transmitted to doorknobs, countertops and other common surfaces. Making sure ventilated air is cleaned is therefore crucial.
We currently offer the Aerus Air Scrubber developed by the great minds who produce equipment used for NASA’s space exploration. Their ActivePure® Technology is scientifically proven to clean and purify your home using proprietary light waves along with a specialized catalytic process.

Air Cleaners
Air cleaners are ideal for removing pollen, dander and dust. We offer two Honeywell models, the Whole-House Media Air Cleaner and the Whole-House HEPA Air Cleaner. The Media Air Cleaner only need to be replaced every 6-12 months compared to the average filter’s replacement cycle of 2-3 months. The HEPA Air Cleaner even provides three stages of filtration to meet your family’s specific needs.
Germicidal UVC Light
The UVC Light is mounted inside your system near the indoor coil where mold and microbes may grow. By using penetrating ultraviolet rays that disrupt the DNA an organism needs to reproduce, the UVC light destroys microbial growth, resulting in a cleaner indoor coil and circulating purer air in your home environment.

Please call us at 309-764-2500 or contact us for more information on how to keep your family and customers protected from airborne contaminants and particles.