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Air Quality

Air Quality

Improve Indoor Air Quality in the Quad Cities

Breathe Easier with an Air Scrubber: Protect Your Home from Germs, Bacteria, and More Ensuring the air quality in your home is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. At Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer a range of indoor air quality solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients in the Quad Cities area, including Moline, Rock Island, Davenport, and Bettendorf. Air Purifiers Our advanced air purifiers utilize ultraviolet (UV) light to neutralize contaminants …
high humidityAir Conditioning

How Can I Make My Home Less Humid?

Excess humidity can make your home feel uncomfortable and create an environment conducive to mold growth and other moisture-related issues. If you find yourself wondering, “How can I reduce humidity in my home?” you’re in the right place. Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning will explore effective strategies to combat high humidity levels. From improving insulation and reducing infiltration to investing in appropriately sized equipment and advanced technologies, we’ll guide you toward a drier and more comfortable living space. Enhance Insulation …
cleaning hvacAir Quality

Can I increase the efficiency  and longevity of my HVAC system with regular maintenance?

When it comes to the efficiency of your home’s HVAC system, having it on a regular maintenance plan is key. This includes having it cleaned and inspected regularly, and changing the filters often. If you want to avoid the problems that can arise from a dirty HVAC system, then you need to make sure that it is maintained. Keeping your system clean A build-up of dust and dirt inside the HVAC system can cause it to work harder than necessary, …
Air Conditioning

York Mini-Split System

The YORK Mini-Split system is a highly-efficient with a flexible heating and cooling system that doesn’t require any duct work. Keep reading to find out if YORK mini-splits could be right for you. According to The U.S. Department of Energy, one of the main advantages of mini-splits are their flexibility for heating and cooling individual rooms. If you have certain rooms you use a lot more than others, this gives you the flexibility to heat and cool those rooms without …
Air Quality

Would Your Home Benefit from a Bryant Heat Pump?

Bryant makes some of the best heat pumps available. As All Things HVAC reports, Bryant is one of the oldest brands in the industry and is now a subsidiary of Carrier. Bryant has one of the most comprehensive product lineups in the industry, which is one of the reasons we recommend their products. We can find the right heat pump for your needs. Heat pumps are an alternative to gas furnaces. As Bob Vila explains, “A gas furnace generates heat …
Air Quality

How Clean is the Air in Your Home?

We are now at the end of Winter and your home has been closed up all season. It’s time to look at the air quality in your home to see how you can breathe a little easier. As you look to turn on your air conditioner for the season, be sure to have your system checked first. An annual check-up for your air conditioning unit will give you greater efficiency, it extends the life of your equipment and it improves …
Air Quality

What are the most common indoor air pollutants?

One of the most wonderful things about the Quad Cities is the variety of homes in our neighborhoods. There are a lot of areas of the country where every house in every neighborhood looks the same, as if they’ve been stamped onto lots with cookie cutters. We have a lot of beautiful new homes in the area, and we have a lot of wonderful old homes. Whether your home is a hundred years old or you just built your house …
Air Quality

What are the most common indoor air pollutants?

Itchy eyes, stuffy nose, sore throat; these are things we expect to happen because of allergies when we’re outside. However, when you start to feel this way when you’re inside the comfort of your own home, it is time to figure out what is happening. Your body will thank you later! Turns out, you might have more than pollen particles floating around your home to blame for your allergies and other health issues. Here are some of the most common …
Air Quality

How to Prevent Negative Impacts of Dry Winter Air on Your Family and Home

Your loved ones are most likely to suffer from the consequences of dry air in semi-arid climates and during the cold of winter when the furnace’s heat eradicates most of the humidity. The latter, especially impacts most Quad Cities Area households. Dry air may… Cause sore throats and dry skin which may be confused with COVID-19. Trigger itchy eyes, increasing the risk of catching infections by rubbing the eyes. Make you more susceptible to catching cold and flu viruses according …
Air Quality

Reducing Airborne Contaminants and Particles

Protecting your home and business from airborne contaminants and particles has never been more relevant. The increased demand for air purifiers and air cleaners is certainly a positive development, but we recommend going through a quick air audit first. This audit consists of our team reviewing your furnace and air conditioning to get a better idea about your current equipment and needs. Based on this assessment, we determine the best options to improve the air quality the most cost-effective way: …
Air Conditioning

What do you need to know about the Freon Phase out?

If you are using an AC unit made prior to 2010, then you are likely using a R22 refrigerant (a.k.a. freon), which will be discontinued by 2020 per the EPA’s ruling. Any AC unit made after 2010 shouldn’t be using R22 refrigerant, so this blog is only for those of you who have a model made before 2010. For those homes this ruling affects, here’s what you need to know. This is not a ban on the use or sale …
Air Conditioning

The Inside Scoop on HVAC: Common Myths Debunked

Myth I: I Only Need to Replace My Filter Every 90 days Reality: Filter maintenance is one of the easiest and most cost effective things you can do to help your system run efficiently and last for years to come. Often, customers will purchase a 90 day filter and leave it in their system assuming they are good to go. One of our expert staff, Ben Bocox, recommends checking your filter every 30 days, regardless of how long it is …